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NEWS Xamze Cabdi Barre Oo Kulan Gaar Ah La Qaatay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Imaaraatka Carabta

wararkii u Dambeeyay

Sep 22 (Caasimada24.com)-Ra’iisul wasaaraha Dawlada Soomaaliya Xamze Cabdi Barre dalka Mareykanka ayaa sii wado kulama is Dbajoog oo kula kulmaya madaxda ka qeyb galeysa shirka golaha loo dhan yahay ee Qaramada Midoobe ee kasocda dalka mareekanka gaar ahaan Newyork

xamse oo la kulmay wasiir dawlada emarate ka kasocda

Xamze Cabdi Barre ayaa xarunta Qaramada Midoobay ee New York kulan kula yeeshay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda ee Dowladda Isutagga Imaaraadka Carabta Cabdullaahi Bin Zayen Al Nahyan.

sida wararku sheegayaan waxay ka wada hadleen wasiirka sida loo xoojin lahaa iskaashi laba dawladood dhexdooda ah , sidookale Ra iisal wasaaraha ayaa la kulmaya madax kale ee kasoo qayb galaysa shirka uga furmaya maalinka axada ah


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